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collect scrap中文是什么意思

用"collect scrap"造句"collect scrap"怎么读"collect scrap" in a sentence


  • 收废品


  • A man comes round regularly collecting scrap .
  • Consideration on some problems of the group of people gleaning and collecting scraps
  • Prior to his missing , he always slept outside and hanged around in mong kok and tai kok tsui area for collecting scrap papers
  • The city gleans and collects scraps people contribute to development of circulation type city society , while they also bring a series of social problems of city administration
  • According to his father , he is a street sleeper and lives on collecting scrap papers for almost 20 years . he is a mild - grade mentally retarded person but is able to communicate with others
  • We should give the city gleans and collects scraps people a more standardized administration , in order to bring them into playing active function to the city , cut down or avoid negative effect to society caused by this group of people
  • The young and middle - aged peasants come into city as the main force of city gleans and collects scraps people are the disadvantageous power , bordering into vulnerable group of society all over the body , they are the result of urban garbage ability which is stagnant in being accompanying chinese modernized course
用"collect scrap"造句  
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